Because we like to know "who's behind all this" when we click on blogs, I'll take this opportunity to introduce myself.
Since 1990 or thereabouts, I've embraced a vocation within a vocation to live as a "cloistered heart" in the midst of family life. Articles on the Cloistered Heart have been in several publications, most notably Review for Religious in 1993. The Cloistered Heart book was reviewed in Laywitness Magazine in 1999, and its most recent edition is available, among other places, through Amazon and Barnes and Noble. I'm certified in Spiritual Direction through Our Lady of Divine Providence in affiliation with Franciscan University of Steubenville, and I strive to keep everything I write in line with Scripture and the teachings of the Church (as outlined in the Official Catechism of the Catholic Church).
I'm a homemaker and Stay at Home Gramma whose family prefers to remain out of the bloglight. I am also blessed with a few appointed blog watchers who generously check out what I write here, to be sure things stay on track. However, I take full responsibility for this site's content. In other words, thesse fancey typbos are my owhn.
I'm so glad you're here! You can drop me a line at thecloisteredheart [at] gmail [dot] com.
Nancy Shuman
photo by Nancy Shuman