"Some sections of my grille seem to be growing stronger. These sections are those that deal with world issues, politics, even criticisms and crises in the Church. It used to be that such issues as these reached through my grille and almost strangled me. I do not ignore these situations but now I seem to be better able to turn them over to God. If there is an action to take, I take that action with prayer. Otherwise, I pray for Gods mercy and then I surrender it to God's will...
"The area of my grille that seems weakest is the section dealing with the world closest to me, that is, my family. There is always someone or some situation reaching through my grille. My grille is worn thin. Some bars are splintered. My grille often seems to be stretched and misshapen so that I no longer recognize those little crosses that are supposed to be holding my grille together. It feels like hands, arms and legs are reaching through the grille tangling with each other while trying to entrap me...
"The point is: it is easier for me to surrender to God the earth-shaking issues of the world than it is for me to surrender the simple, everyday issues of my family life..."
I say to my friend, and to anyone reading this: oh, how I identify. Especially in recent weeks, as I've been dealing with a bit of physical illness, I find myself scrambling to focus on God's truth about circumstances in which I find myself. Am I in discomfort today? My initial reaction (my family can tell you) is to panic and fret. It then takes prayer and a concentrated effort for me to settle down and even begin to look for "the grille." I am happy to report, however, that years of practice have paid off, that memorized bits of Scripture do come to mind when needed, and that I can make the choice to react to situations as God asks me to.

"We know that God makes all things work together for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his decree." (Romans 8:28)
"I consider the sufferings of the present to be as nothing compared with the glory to be revealed in us." (Romans 8:18)
Painting at top: Henri Lebasque, 1937
Oh yes. It's the little foxes that spoil the vines.