Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Lent in Our Cloister

Because Lent is now upon us, I would like to again go through the 'monastery' of the 'cloistered heart' - but this time almost exclusively as an encouragement toward prayer.

I hope to keep this simple. Each post will have a short reading from Scripture, a brief quote from a saint or other Catholic writer, possibly a short 'cloistered heart' comment to go along with these, and a question or focus for reflection.

It is my prayer that the images posted will also be aids to our meditation. I had, in fact, chosen one for this post and decided that, no - that needs to be saved for a bit later (I personally found it quite inspiring).

We will, God willing, begin this tomorrow. In the meantime, I write this as another one of those 'posts I can link back to' if necessary.

I pray that our Lord Jesus Christ will touch our hearts and draw us closer to HIS heart. May we each have a holy, fruitful Lent.

Painting: Jacopo Pontormo, St Antony the Great


  1. Looking forward to this. I may not be hopping onto the blogosphere every day, but I will be here as often as I can. Thanks for doing this, thinking of the rest of us.

    1. I won't be able to hop into the blogosphere every day either, Patty, but I hope to put something here every couple of days, at least. We'll see how things go!

      I'm so glad you're here :).


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