Friday, May 15, 2015

Visiting the Visitation: a Field Trip

When I came across the following video recently, I realized we haven't had a "field trip" here in awhile.

So let's take a(nother) look at the Visitation of Holy Mary, which was founded by Sts. Francis de Sales and Jane de Chantal in France in 1610. 

One of the goals of the Order is to live "in profound humility toward God and great gentleness toward the neighbor." It is a beautiful (and immensely practical) goal to strive toward for those called to serve God in the midst of the world.

'Our Congregation should hold itself among the Congregations as the violet is amongst the other flowers - low, small, and subdued in colour; happy, because God has created it for His service, and to diffuse a little fragrance in the Church. Everything that tends most to God's honour and glory must be loved and followed above all things. This is the rule of all true servants of Heaven.' (St. Francis de Sales)


  1. Nancy, I loved that video! The images are so amazing. Thank you for sharing this :)

    1. I love them too, Patty. Annecy, France is where I'd most like to go on this earth :).

  2. Nancy, that video was so lovely! And I really love the image of being God's happy hidden violets.. xxx

    1. Trish, the image of being little hidden violets is so precious to me. Thanks!


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