Monday, January 12, 2015

Not a Change of Physical Dwelling

'No one can approach God without withdrawing from the world. 
By withdrawal I do not mean change of physical dwelling place, 
but withdrawal from worldly affairs. 
The virtue of withdrawal from the world 
consists in not occupying your mind with the world.'

St. Isaak of Syria

Painting: Maximilien Luce (digitally altered), in US public domain due to age


  1. I thought you might enjoy this point from taken from "A years thoughts" Fr William Doyle SJ

    A Heart-Hermitage.

    A quiet hidden life is not possible for you in
    one way, and yet perfectly so in another by
    building a solitude in your heart where you can
    ever live alone with Jesus, letting the noise and
    worry of life, cares and anxieties of the world,
    pass over your head, like a storm which will
    never ruffle the peace of your soul. You will
    enjoy perfect calm and peace of soul, the requisite
    condition for a life of union, by keeping Jesus
    ever with you as a Friend, and remembering that
    everything happens by His permission and is in
    fact His work. Let this principle soak in and it
    will make you a saint. Apply it to every detail
    of your life, and you will not be far from what
    you seek ; in fact humiliations, slights, annoy
    ances, worries will all disappear, since it is not
    X, but Jesus, who is trying you in this way.

    1. YES, I enjoyed this point!! So much that I went searching online for information on Father Doyle, found a copy of "A Year's Thoughts," and promptly ordered it. I cannot thank you enough for introducing me/us to Father Doyle, and to these absolutely perfect words for a cloistered heart.

  2. Hello Nancy, I thought you might! Please look at this site, that promotes the cause for his Beatification. Dr Patrick Kenny who I know is the Web master. You might like to read the biography of Fr Doyle, you can find it in Amazon or directly from the web site "Father William Doyle" by Alfred O'Rahilly. Fr Doyle SJ was a Irish military chaplain who gave his life for his men in the Battle of Ypres August 16, 1917. I came across him some years ago when I was researching The Way by St Josemaria (which you know!) and he makes reference to Fr Willie in the point 206

  3. Sorry Correction Typo! Its point 205 from The Way

    1. Thank you again, Norman. I found the website and subscribed - what great finds! I really appreciate you sharing all of this

  4. It's a rather ironic truth, that one comes closer to the Heart of God by 'leaving' the world and it's affairs..but the more one is 'detached' from the world...the more one actually loves it...except now, in a purer way and with a clearer insight into all it's pain and beauty. When we become silent and aware in God, we see and hear life on a different level. To do this we don't change places..we change passions and perceptions..and by becoming still we become closer to God..and to the world as well.

    1. "We see and hear life on a different level.. we change passions and perceptions..."

      So wonderfully put, Trish; thank you.

      I'm beginning to think some of these comments should become posts on here, so they'll be more widely seen. Stay tuned.... :)

  5. Such truth in those words and beauty, too.

    1. It is such a blessing to find writings like these... we have a great treasure in the saints. Thanks, Sue!


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