'A song of praise I offer,
from morn till sunset time,

and so shall this my Matins be
Vespers, Terce, and Prime...
The clatter of startled blackbird,
Trill of birds in trees,
Because I loved them dearly,
My Lord, I offer these...
The rhythm of sharpening sickle
Hum of the mowing machine,
The whirring of the thresher
when the harvest cart comes in...
The cheerful talk of my loved ones,
the sound of men at prayer,
the noise of children calling
in the still summer air.
From sunrise until dusk, O Lord,
accept my praise of Thee.'
(from Fervorinos from the Lips of the Master, compiled by a Religious, Pelligrini, Australia, 1940, pp. 437-438)
Paintings by Winslow Homer (top), Bruck Vásárra (middle) and Walter Moras (bottom)