Tuesday, June 10, 2014

The Heart Chapel

"We are, each of us, a Living Cathedral.  Each is his own chapel.  And provided we are in a state of grace, God lives and dwells within us… (so) we must live and act as if we were dwelling in a church in the presence of the Tabernacle.” (The Living Pyx of Jesus, Pellegrini & Co., Australia,  1941) 

I have written earlier about a time when I was alone in a chapel during a thunderstorm.  This remains vivid in my memory because of the comfort I felt.  Except for flashes of lightning coming through a stained glass window, only the glow of a sanctuary light provided illumination.  Yet I knew I was totally secure.  In the midst of the storm, I was in the Presence of Christ and I was safe.

In the midst of personal storms, where do I find security?  When adversity strikes, when fear bares its fangs, where do I go for safety?   In the chapel, a sanctuary light told me: “Christ is here.”  Golden Tabernacle - glowing light - “Christ is here.”  I saw no visions, felt nothing out of the ordinary.  But my faith assured me: “Christ is here.”

In my everyday life in the midst of the world, Christ is here.  My faith assures me:  Christ is here.  I can offer inward praise in the supermarket, adoration on a subway, intercession while folding laundry, aspirations at the mall.  He is with me, and He hears it all. 

"Faith tells us that our heart is a Sanctuary, because it is the Temple of God, the dwelling-place of the Holy Trinity.  Let us often visit this Sanctuary, and see that the lamps are alight - that is to say, Faith, Hope and Charity - and frequently stir up our faith when we are studying, working, or eating, when we go to bed, and when we rise, and make aspirations to God.” (St. Paul of the Cross) 

'You know, my loving Jesus, I do want my soul to be spotlessly pure and undefiled, so that it will be for You a most beautiful Home, a Home from which no one will ever dislodge You - Your own living tabernacle, where You will ever dwell, and where I shall live consciously and lovingly with You, and always have a word with You before I speak, act, or make a decision.  I want You to be so happy, so much at home in my soul, that You will take complete possession of it and live Your life in me.' (from Fervorinos From Galilee's Hills, compiled by a Religious, Pelligrini, 1936, p.143)

'To be with God it is not necessary to be always in church.  We may make a chapel of our heart, whereto to escape from time to time to talk with Him quietly, humbly and lovingly.... Begin then; perhaps He is waiting for a single generous resolution.'  (Brother Lawrence)

Photo at top:  All Saints Sisters of the Poor, Cantonsville MD.  Connie Wells

Painting:  Francis Luis Mora, Morning News 

To spend more time in the heart chapel, click this line


  1. Christ is here...
    Such comforting words!
    Christ is here...
    With and within me!
    Christ is here...


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