Thursday, June 12, 2014

A Most Beautiful Home

'You know, my loving Jesus, 
I do want my soul to be spotlessly pure and undefiled, 
so that it will be for You a most beautiful Home, 
a Home from which no one will ever dislodge You.
Your own living tabernacle, where You will ever dwell
and where I shall live consciously and lovingly with You, 
and always have a word with You before I speak, act, or make a decision.  
I want You to be so happy, so much at home in my soul, 
that You will take complete possession of it and live Your life in me.'
 (from Fervorinos From Galilee's Hills, compiled by a Religious, Pelligrini, 1936, p.143)

'Anyone who loves Me will be true to My word, and My Father will love him; 
We will come to him and make Our dwelling place with him.' 
(John 14:21 & 23)

Painting:  CL Jessen, The Blue Living Room

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