Thursday, March 20, 2014

During Our Working Day

"Some may think that a life of divine union is only for saints, that a life of intimacy in which the soul constantly turns to God, as to a loving and beloved guest, is not for the ordinary faithful.  This view is incorrect.

"Intimacy with God is not for the saints only, it is for all of us. God dwells in each soul which is in the state of grace and calls each of us to be united to Him in intimate friendship....

"'If anyone loves Me,' says Christ,  'he will keep My word, and My Father will love him and We will come to him and will make Our abode with him....'

"We are all called therefore to this life of intimacy, to this communing with the Most High.

"We commune thus with God by the acts of our mind and heart by bringing the majesty of God and His Goodness before our mind and by turning our heart to Him in gratitude and confidence, in offering ourselves to Him to be His without reserve, in uniting our will to His Divine Will.

"This we do especially during the time of prayer, but since God always dwells in us, we should turn ourselves to Him as frequently as possible during our working day."

(from "Listening to the Indwelling Presence," compiled by a Religious, Pellegrini, Australia, 1940, pp. 63-65

Painting:  Winslow Homer, Farmer with a Pitchfork

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