Wednesday, February 6, 2013

That Great Discovery

'Those souls are countless who, despite their generosity, have never REALIZED, or who have but inadequately realized, the Divine Indwelling, and have never contracted the excellent habit of those intimate and affectionate colloquies with their beloved Jesus, the Guest of their souls.

'The great St. Teresa of Avila looked upon such colloquies as the best frame of mind to reach the peak of Intimate Union.... She often complained to her Carmelites of those many souls that, notwithstanding their fervour, seek God remote from themselves in a far-off Heaven, instead of seeking Him in that very much nearer Heaven - their own heart.

'Blessed are those who have found Jesus in their heart, those who have made that great discovery.

'Yes, she who has ceaseless recourse to Jesus, her soul's all-powerful and all-merciful Guest, is undoubtedly happy... one glance of the soul, one inward cry of the heart, one ardent aspiration suffices.  Though grief and doubts and difficulties beset her, her unfaltering heart makes spontaneous response.'

by 'A Religious,' The Living Pyx of Jesus, Pellegrini, Australia, 1941, pp. 25-26

Painting:  Henri Guillaume Schlesinger, Lost in Thought, 1868