Saturday, December 29, 2012

Blog Awards

Thank you so much to Little Flower's Crown of Roses for the blog award!  I accept with much gratitude, and because I've already written about this award at my other blog, I hope it's okay that I link this back to that post (rather than writing it again here).  A click on this line will take readers to that information.

This also gives me a golden opportunity!  As I was listing blogs to pass the award on to before, I forgot several that would normally have been there.  In a couple of instances, the bloggers had taken a brief "break" (and apparently so did my memory!).   But my friends are writing again, and I am so thankful, for I'd missed their inspiration.  So now I joyfully pass this award to the following inspiring bloggers:

Daughter of the King   at
Little Jesus and Me   at 
The Beautiful Gate at 
Thoughts on Grace at

What a grand opportunity we have, as bloggers, to share the love of Christ... as far and wide as He wishes.  May we glorify Him greatly in the year(s) to come.

Click this line to leave comments in The Parlor.