"To You I pray, O Lord; at dawn You hear my voice.." (Psalm 5:3)
I know how to do this. I have learned the basic steps of lectio, of back and forth conversation with God.
And so, if I haven't already: today I begin. I may feel dry as dust as I do so, but I make a start. I take up a bit of scripture, and I read. I ask God to help me hear what He's saying to my soul. I read until something strikes me, then I let it sink in. I realize that God Himself is with me, is really and truly with me. This is not a game I'm playing, it isn't an empty exercise, it's not a task to be gotten out of the way. I am in conversation with Almighty God.
I let the words touch me. I let the Word Himself (John 1:1) speak to my heart. I talk with Him about whatever I wish. If I should feel a gentle "touch" from Him (a feeling of being loved, perhaps), I savor it. I thank Him for it. If I don't, I thank Him anyway. I ask Him to help me become more pleasing to Him this day. I ask to be directed in His paths.
I shall now go forward, to live this day for God.
"My soul waits for the Lord, more than sentinels wait for the dawn." (Psalm 130:6)