Tuesday, September 4, 2012

While I have Your Attention...

Late morning prayer has just finished, and I will take this opportunity to make a few announcements. 

First:  I've realized that our monastic day, even as long as it is, does not carry "everything" within each part.  I have a feeling we'll enter another day right after this one, a day during which we might go into more depth here and there.  But we need THIS day to prepare for that one.... and we need THIS day in which to begin looking, in earnest, into how the monastic routine can help US live for God in the world.  I like the fact that this is happening gradually, because I find it's giving me time to really apply some of the things we're considering to my daily life.  And application is key. 

Second:  recently I found the following chart of Prayer Hours.  I am sorry that I don't know the exact source of this, or if it's complete as printed here.  If you have something to share about it, please click on this line to do so in the Parlor.

In the meantime, Sisters are filing out of the chapel.  They do so in quiet, for silence is the language of the monastery.

And surprise !!  This is not "today's post!"

While everyone else looks over this chart, I'm on dinner-duty, so I hope to see you back here in a few minutes....

Hour of the Day Latin Name English Name
During the Night Matins Readings
Sunrise Lauds Morning Prayer
First Hour Prime
Third Hour Terce Mid-morning Prayer
Sixth Hour Sext Midday Prayer
Ninth Hour None Mid-afternoon Prayer
As evening approaches  Vespers Evening Prayer
Nightfall Compline Night Prayer