Thinking of this tonight, I was struck by one significant difference between conversation in the monastery and conversation in the "world." That is: people living in a monastery are pursuing the common goal of living totally for God. They speak with one another with a goal of "serving in charity." Their talk does not drift toward idle, immoral topics because their minds are not centered on such things. Their minds are on God. Their actions are for God. Every facet of the monastic jewel is cut to reflect the glory of God.
It is different, isn't it, out here in "the world?" Conversations we encounter might easily drift toward less than Godly territory. In can be tough not to find ourselves swept along, like a piece of driftwood bobbing in a muddy river. In our pursuit of life lived for God, we can feel a bit, well.... lonely at times.
It occurred to me (thinking of this) that we are blessed to know, as we check in here, that others are "here" with us. Like nuns or monks praying and working and studying alongside one another in a monastery, we know we're not walking this path alone. We are in various states and countries and continents, and the circumstances of our lives may differ widely... yet we have all chosen the same path. We want to live for God.
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